The Loom Exchange
Weaving & Spinning Equipment & Textile Books Bought & Sold UPDATED: Monday 24 March 2025 at 09:30


To Order Books  Telephone 01730 817191 with the number (ie: W20) plus first part of the title, your name, address plus post code, and telephone number.  If speaking to an answer machine, please give this information slowly and clearly and repeat if possible. You can also order by email The books will then be sent to you with an invoice to include the postage and packing.... please make your cheque out to The Loom Exchange. Or you can pay via Paypal adding 50p to cover Paypal charges, using the email address above.

BOOKS WANTED   The Loom Exchange buys in libraries of textile books, particularly: weaving, spinning, dyeing etc.  If you have books to sell, please send a list to the Loom Exchange, Ash , Stedham, GU29 0PX and we will offer you a price for them.







W1. The Craft of Weaving by Irene Waller.  Softback pp92  A practical guide for the complete beginner. £4

W2.  Simple Tartan Weaving by Angus Macdonald.  Dryad booklet pp38  £3

W3.  Foundations of Weaving by Mike Halsey and Lore Youngmark.  Hardback pp207  £6

W4.  Painting with Yarns - Let's Weave A Tapestry by Hilary Charlesworth. New publication.  A spiral bound softback step by step guide to weaving a tapestry sampler.  All you need to know, fully illustrated.  £10

W5.  Introducing Weaving by Phyl Shillinglaw.  Hardback pp80 A great beginners guide to simple weaving. £5

W6.  Weaving is Fun by A. V. White.  Hardback pp92 "make pretty things easily and cheaply".  £3

W8.  Weaving on Four Way Table Looms - Dryad press leaflet.  £1.50

W12.  Weaving is Fun - a guide for teachers, children and beginning weavers.- about yarns, baskets, cloth and tapestry.  by Jean Wilson.  Hardback pp138 £5

W16.  Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing - a beginner's manual.  by Virginia G. Hower.  Softback pp168  £4

W18.  Navajo Weaving Today by Nancy N. Schiffer.  Softback pp62  What a beautiful illustrated guide!  £5

W19.  Indian Blankets and Their Makers by George Wharton James.  with 254 illustrations, 32 in colour.  Softback pp213 £5

W20.  Rug Weaving techique and design by Brian Knight.  Hardback pp142 £5

W22.  Weaving A Navajo Blanket by Gladys A. Reichard.  Softback pp222 £5

W23.  Weaving  by Nell Znamierowski.  A complete introduction to the craft of weaving.  A Pan Craft softback book pp 96 £5

W24.  Rug Weaving for Beginners by Margaret Seagroatt.  A pocket "How to do it" hardback pp102 £4

W25.  The Weaver's Workbook by Hilary Chetwynd.  A concise weaving course based on a creative understanding of the priciples and practices of the craft.  Hardback pp96 £5

W26.  The Craft of the Weaver - a practical guide to spinning, dyeing and weaving by Ann Sutton, Peter Collingwood and Geraldine St Aubyn Hubbard.  Hardtback pp152  £5

W28.  Spiders' Games - a book for beginning weavers by Phylis Morrison.  Hardback pp128  great ideas to explore with minimal equipment and lots of enthusiasm.  £5

W29.  Guide to Weaving - a popular crafts publication, by Alan and Gill Bridgewater.   Softback pp140  An excellent comprehensive guide.  £5

W33.  Weaving and Spinning - tapestry, tablet, finger and inkle, looms and spinning.  Hardback pp135 £5

W34.  Fun With Weaving by Eileen Hobden.  Hardback pp63 signed by the author.  A beginner's book full of exciting ideas using simple equipment.  £5

W36.  Your Book of Weaving by Roger Lewis.  Hardback pp48  A simple and practical introduction - suitable for young people starting out as weavers.  £4

W38.  The Weaver's Craft by L.E.Simpson and M.Weir.  Hardback pp194  excellent 1940's guide.  £5

W41.  Weaving  as a Hobby by Marguerite Ickis  Hardback pp72  ex library copy packed with info. £3

W42.  Your Rugmaking by Klares Lewes and Helen Hutton.  Hardback pp132 1940's classic.  £4

W43.  Your Handweaving by Elsie G. Davenport.  Hardback pp128 1940's classic guide.  £4

W47.  Small Woven Tapestries by Mary Rhodes.  Hardback pp142  Ideas, instructions, inspiration.  £8

W52.  The Batsford Book of Tapestry Weaving by Alec Pearson.  Hardback pp136  £5

W53.  Studies in Primitive Looms by Ling Roth.  Hardback pp150 a 1930's classic guide.  £7

W61.  Hand Weaving for Pleasure and Profit (ex library) hardback pp 270  £4

W62.  Hand-Loom Weaving by F.J.Christopher.  A Foyles Handbook publ 1951 pp94  £4

W63.  An Inroduction to Tapestry Weaving - a dryad press  booklet.  pp15. £2

W68.  The Essential Handbook of Weaving by Rosemary Murray.  Hardback pp158.  £6

W71.  The Self Sufficient Weaver by Jennifer Green.  Hardback pp120  £5

W72.  Weaving For Amateurs by Helen Coates. Hardback pp 78   1940's comprehensive guide.  £4

W78.  The Art of the Loom - weaving, spinning and dyeing across the world by Ann Hecht.  Hardback pp208 £6

W82.  Non-European Looms in the collections at Bankfield Museum, Halifax.   Hardback pp60  £4.50

W83.  Encyclopaedia of Hand Weaving by S.A. Zielinski.    Hardback pp190  £7

W85.  A Short Dictionary of Weaving by M.E.Pritchard.  Including some spinning, dyeing and textile terms and a beginner's guide to weaving and dyeing.  publ 1954  hardback pp195 £5

W86.  A Step by Step Guide to Woven Carpets and Rugs by Ann Croot.  Hardback pp78  £4




S1.  "Mr Woolit Finds a Friend" is an educational tale for all ages.  Join Nicola and her woolly friend Mr Woolit on a delightful farm adventure filled with humour, joy and charming animal encounters.  With stunning illustrations and themes of empathy and kindness, this whimsical story if perfect for bedtime and includes a simple pattern to knit your own Mr Woolit for added fun!  Softback £10

S2.  Spinning Wheels, Spinners and Spinning by Patricia Baines.  Softback pp252  The comprehensive guide.  £5

S5.  Spinning and Dyeing - an introductory manual by Gill Dalby and Liz Christmas.  Softback pp134 £5

S8.  Creative Crafts with Wool and Flax by Molly Duncan.  Hardback pp64  £4

S10.  Spinning, Dyeing and Weaving.  A WI Home Skills guide to basic techniques and equipment.  Softback pp26  £3.50

S12.  Sheep and Wool by T.A.Thompson.   ex library children's book but a really informative read!  £2 

S13.  Stylish Knitting from Handspun or Commercial Yarns. by Nina Shuttlewood.  Hardback pp136 £5

S14.  Spinning and Weaving at Home - making and using your own low-cost spinning wheel and loom by Thomas Kilbride.  Softback pp128  £5

S16.  The Wool Book by Margaret Dixon - a guide to spinning, dyeing and knitting.  hardback pp140  £5

S17.  The Spinner's Workshop by John Mercer - a social history and practical guide.  Hardback pp150  £5

S19.  Hands On Spinning by Lee Raven.  Softback pp120  An Interweave press comprehensive guide.  £5

S21.  Fibres to Fabrics - techniques and projects for handspinners by Hazel Clark.  Hardback pp134  £6

S22.  Hand Spinning and Woolcombing by Grace M. Crowfoot and H. Ling Roth.   Softback pp50 £4

S23.  Spin Your Own Wool and Dye It and Weave It by Molly Duncan.  Hardback pp45  £4

S25.  Spinning and Weaving - a practical guide by Eileen Hobden.  Softback pp114  £4.50

S26.  The Woolcraft Book - spinning ,dyeing, weaving by Constance Jackson and Judith Plowman.  Hardback pp192  £5

S27.  Handspinning by Eliza Leadbeater.  Hardback pp112  £5

S28.  A Short History of Wool and Its Manufacture (mainly in England) by E. Lipson.  Hardback pp202  £5

S30.  Carding, Spinning, Dyeing.  An introduction to the traditional wool and flax crafts.  Softback pp74 £4

SL6.  Spindle Spinning - a needle crafts booklet.  £1

SL7. Spinning and Spinning Wheels by Eliza Leadbeater £1

SL8.  Notes On Spinning and Dyeing Wool by May Holding.  £1




D1.  Passion For Colour - designer knitting with natural dyes by Sarah Burnett.  Hardback pp156.  £7

D2.  Dyeing For Fibres and Fabrics.  Softback pp79  £4

D3.  Hands on Dyeing by Betsy Blumenthal and Kathryn Kreider.  Softback pp110   A great InterweD4.  Tie and Dye - as a present day craft by Anne Maile.  Hardback pp180  ex library copy.  £2

D5.  Synthetic Dyeing - for spinners, weavers, knitters and embroiderers by Frances and Tony Tompson.  Hardback pp134.  £6

D6.  Dyes from Natural Sources by Anne Dyer.  Softback pp88  £4.50

D7.  Dye One Knit One by Helenj Deighan and Linda De Ruiter.  spiral bound Softback pp96  A reall how to book for those wanting to dye their own yarn to knit with.  £7

D8.  Dyes from Plants by Seonaid Robertson.  Softback pp144  £5

D9.  Woolgatherings for dyers and spinsters  No. 1 Dyer in the Garden by Dee Duke and Rowena Edlin-White    Booklet £1.50

D10.  Woolgatherings for dyers and spinsters No 6  Dyeing with Kirchen Waste by Dee Duke and Rowena Edlin-White.  Booklet £1.50

D11.  Dyeing for Fibres and Fabrics  edited by Janet De Boer.  Softback pp110.  techniques from 21 experts.  £5

D12.  Dyeing and Screen Printing on Textiles by Joanna Kinnersly-Taylor.  Softback pp176   clear, easy to follow guide.  £5

D13.  Yarns to Dye For - creating self patterning yarns for knitting  by Kathleen Taylor.  Softback pp100 - an inspirational Interweave Press book with lots of projects.  vgc £6

D14.  Fabric Dyeing and Printing by Kate Wells.  Hardback pp188  comprehensive in its scope, accurate in its technical detail and a showcase for dyeing and printing in all its forms.  £6

D15.  A Dictionary of Dyes and Dyeing by K. G. Ponting.  Hardback pp206  £6

D16.  The Use of Vegetable Dyes by Violetta Thurstan.  Softback booklet pp48.  £3

D17.  Colour From Plants - a simple dyers notebook by Cherry Morton and Annette Mortlock.  softback booklet pp20 £3

D18.  Natural Plant Dyeing - a handbook (Brooklyn Botanic Garden)  Booklet pp64  £3

D19.  Dyes From Nature Plants and Gardens.  softback booklet from Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.  pp96  £4

D23.  A Dictionary of Dyes and Dyeing by K.G.Ponting.  Hardback pp204   £6

D25.  Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing by Rita J. Adrosko.  a practical guide with over 150 recipes.  Softback pp154  £4

D26.  The Dyer's Companion by Elijah Bemiss.  Softback pp310  £4

D27.  The Craft of the Dyer - colour from plants and lichens by Karen Leigh Casselman.  Softback pp 248  £5  signed copy

D28.  Your Yarn Dyeing by Elsie G. Davenport.  Softback pp127  £4

D29.  Navajo Native Dyes - Their preparation and use.  Recipes formulated by Nonabah G. Bryan.  Softback pp75.  £5























K1.  The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches softback pp96  A comprehensive pattern library. vgc £5

K2.  The Sweater Workshop by Jacqueline Fee.  Spiral bound softback pp168    throw away your patterns and follow this brilliant guide.  £7

K3.  Knitter's Almanac by Elizabeth Zimmermann.  Projects for each month of the year.  Softback pp147  Keep yourself busy all year with this lovely little book.  £4.50

K4.  The Handknitter's Design Book - a practical guide to creating beautiful knitwear by Alison Ellen.  Hardback pp144  An inspirational book by this brilliant designer/knitter.  £8

K5.  Knitty Gritty - knitting for the absolute beginner by Aneeta Patel.  Softback pp128  A tried and tested guide in vgc and with great patterns and photos - get out those needles!  £8

K6.  Cuddle and Love Baby Knits - softback pp146 patterns galore including simple projects to knit in just one evening.  £5

K7.  The Complete Book of Knitting Crochet and Embroidery.  Large format hardback pp480  a comprehensive guide.  £5

K8.  Hand Knitting - new directions by Alison Ellen.  Hardback pp143 signed copy  £6

K9.  The Knitting Book by Jo Compton.  which yarn?  choosing a stitch, basic patterns to adapt, how to start designing and much more.  Softback pp102  £6

K10.  The Country Diary Book of Knitting by Annette Mitchell.  Hardback pp160 beautiful water colours, and lovely photos and patterns in this as new copy. £6

K11.  Knitting For All the Family - Introduction by Una Stubbs.   Beautiful French design combined with easy to follow instructions.  Hardback pp190 £5

K12.  Glorious Knitting by Kaffe Fassett.  Over 30 exclusive patterns in this beautiful softback pp160  £6

K13.  Knitability by Linda O'Brian and Gyles Brandreth.  as new hardback pp94 fun knits for all the family - lots of info. and great illustrations. £5

K14.  The Knitter's Bible - designs for children and adults by Kate Buller.  Hardback pp176  Use the step by step guide to learn new techniques.   £8

K15.  Knit Hats Now - more than 40 knitted hats from 21 top designers.  Softback pp96.  step by step instructions all clearly illustrated.  Patterns for all skill levels.  £5

K16.  Luxury Yarn One-Skein Wonders - 101 small indulgences edited by Judith Durant.  Alpaca, Organic cotton, Bamboo, Cashmere, Silk, Soy, Corn, Angora, Mohair, Qiviut.  Softback pp271  £8

K17.  A Passion for Knitting = step by step illustrated techniques, easy patterns and essential resources for becoming part of the world of knitting.   By Nancy J. Thomas and Ilana Rabinowitz.  Softback pp270  £7

K18.  Knitivity - create your own Christmas scene by Fiona Goble.  Softback pp80.  £4.50

K19.  Introduction to Knitting - a Golden Hands publication.  Hardback pp116.  Easy to follow beginners course.  Stitches and patterns to perfect your techniques.  £4.50

K20.  Jaeger Handknits - 12 exclusive Jaeger hand knit designs for babies and toddlers from Debbie Bliss.  Softback vgc pp41 £4.50

K21.  Rowan Felted Collection.  A collection of 17 accessory designs by Sarah Hatton.  Softback pp38  £3.50

K22.  Passion for Colour - designer knitting with natural dyes by Sarah Burnett.  Hardback pp139   Glorious illustrations and inspiring designs.  £5

K23.  Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls by Martha Waterman.  Softback pp118  £7

K24.  Sue Bradley's Cotton Collection - delightful florals, classic textures, fascinating birds and beasts, sporty geometrics.  Softback pp95 20 easy to knit designs. £4.50

K25.  Nursery Knitting by Lena Stengard.  Hardback vgc pp112 lots of lovely designs for babies and youngsters up to four.  Superb photography and easy to follow instructions. £6

K26.  Not Just More Socks by Sandi Rosner.  Softback pp68  16 out of the ordinary knitting projects for self striping sock yarn.  £5

K27.  Adventures in Knitting.  Breaking the rules and creating unique designs by Brenda Shapeero.  Hardback pp96.  Stitch know-how, needle know-how, equpment for decoration, embellishments, colour, yarns and much more.  £5

K28.  The Art of Knitting edited by Eve Harlow.  Garments for today from patterns of the past.  Hardback pp160  This book is designed for the connoisseur.  The patterns are not simple but the results are beautiful and original.    £5

K29.  Colourful Knits for You and Your Child by Zoe Mellor.  softback pp80  over 25 innovative designs for women and children up to ten years old - creative use of colour and design to suit knitters of all abilities.  £4

K30.  The Sweater Book - 50 original handknits by top designers.  Hardback pp141 a compendium of beautiful designs for day and evening wear.  £3.50

K31.  Knitting Wildlife by Ruth Herring and Karen Manners.  A wide range of styles and garments for all ages inspired by wildlife designs in association with the World Wildlife Fund - Celebrity models include Marie Helvin and Imran Khan.  Hardback pp94 £5

K32.  A Complete Guide to Knitting edited by Pam Dawson.  Hardback pp160    just as it says in the title!  £4.50

K33.  Creating Original Hand Knitted Lace by Margaret Stove. Hardback pp184 vgc  £5

K34.  Design for Duomatics by Eileen Metcalf.  Booklet pp64  £3

K35.  Wendy Knits Lace - essential techniques and patterns for irresistible everyday lace. by Wendy Johnson.  Softback pp142 vgtc £6

K37.  Betsy Beads - confessions of a left-brained knitter.   By Betsy Hershberg.  Softback pp171  Gorgeously illustrated - beads, belts, bracelets, earrings and more.  £6

K38.  Framework Knitting by Marilyn Palmer - a Shire Album booklet.  £1

K39.  Knitting - an illustrated pocket guide to over 90 beautiful patterns.  Hardback pp94vgc £3.50

K40.  Elle Knitting Book 2 - 50 exclusive designs from France.  Hardback pp128 £4

K41.  Blankets and Throws to Knit - patterns and piecing instructions for 100 knitted squares by Debbie Abrahams.  Hardback pp107   an inspiring book that makes you reach for your knitting needles.  £7

K42.  Cornish Guernseys and Knit Frocks by Mary Wright.  Softback pp68 History, research, patterns and more.  £4.50

K43.  Debbie Bliss - New Baby Knits.  Over thirty patterns for 0 - 3 year olds.  Softback pp80  £4

K44.  Family Album - Knitting for children and adults by Kaffe Fassett and Zoe Hunt.  Glorious photos by Steve Lovi.  Hardback pp200 £5

K45.  The Knitter's Bible - Knitted Accessories by Claire Crompton. spiral bound Hardback pp127 over 30 scarves, gloves, hats, wraps and ponchos.  £7

K46.  The Progressive Knitter by Maggie Whiting.   Hardback pp160 How to design knitwear from start to finish... and more!  £5

K47.  The Complete Book of Traditional Fair Isle Knitting by Sheila McGregor.  Hardback pp142  £6

K48.  Vintage Knitwear for Modern Knitters. by Lise-Lotte Lystrup.  Hardback pp96 Gorgeous retro patterns!  £6

K49.  The Jean Moss Designer Knits Collection.  More than 30 original sweater and cardigan patterns.  Hardback pp160 £5

K50.  Sweaters from the Seaton Collection.  More than 20 inovative pullovers, cardigans, vests and jackets to knit.  by Jamie and Jessi Seaton.  Hardback pp144 beautifully photographed. £5

K51.  Travellers' Yarns eighty knitwear designs inspired by cultures from around the world. by Sue Bradley.  Hardback pp174 £7

K52.  Knitting Any Which Way but Up by Jan Blight.  Softback pp45  Easy to follow instrucitions to create freeform modular and short row knitting... and more!  £5

K58.   Essentials Children's Knits softback pp96 vgc Over 40 easy to make designs to suit every youngster from tiny babies to 12 year olds. £4


C1. The Crochet Answer Book - solutions to every problem you'll ever face.  Answers to every question you'll ever ask.  By Edie Eckman.  Pocket hardback pp318.  £5

C2.  The Craft of Crochet by Pam Dawson.  Hardback pp123 £4



Braid Making, Knotting, Tablets, Felt

B2.  Learnabout Knots.  A Ladybird book.  £3

B3.  Braiding and Knotting - tehcniques and projects by Constantine A. Belash.  Softback pp126 £4

B5.  Braidmaking by Barbara Pegg.  Softback pp80  Packed with techniques: plaiting, finger braids, knotted braids (macrame), woven braids, tassels, fringes and more.... £5

B6.  Making Plaits and Braids by June Barker.  Hardback pp110  ex library copy £4

B7.  Kumihimo - Japanese Silk Braiding Techniques by Catherine Martin.  Softback pp90   £5B8.  Exquisite - The World of Japanese Kumihimo Braiding edited by Kei Sahashi.  Hardback pp120  £7

B8.  Exquisite - The World of Japanese Kumihimo Braiding by Kei Sahashi.  Hardback pp120 £7





Felt Making

F1.  Feltmaking - fabulous wearables, jewelry and home accents by Chad Alice Hagen.  Softback pp80.  Full of lovely vibrantly colourful projects.     An inspirational book.  £5

F2.  Felting Fashion - creative and inspirational techniques for feltmakers.  by Lizzie Houghton.  Hardback pp126  Practical ideas for creating beautiful clothes - step by step instructions for working with nuno felt and more.   vgc £8

F3.  Felted Knits by Beverly Galeskas.  Softback pp112.  A wonderful guide by Interweave Press covering all aspects of felted knitting with 36 projects to create.  vgc  £7

F4.  Elegant Scarves and Wraps  25 gorgeous felt designs by Jill Denton.  Softback pp128 vgc £7

F5.  Nuno Felt by Liz Clay.  Techniques and inspiration for accessories and home interiors.  Softback pp128  vgc.  £7

F6.  Felt Making - techniques and projects by Inge Evers.  softback pp87 - a handy introduction, clearly illustrated.  £4.50

F7.  Feltmaking - the whys and wherefores by Sheila Smith and Freda Walker.  Softback pp72 a great little introductory guide.  £4.50

F8.  Felt Jewelry - by Teresa Searle.  Softback pp128 vgc  25 pieces to make using a variety of simple felting techniques.  £5

F9.  Introduction to Feltmaking - techniques and design Book One by Sheila Smith.  Softback pp16 £4

F10.  Art in Felt and Stitch - creating beautiful works of art using fleece, fibres and threads.  by Moy Mackay.  Softback pp128.  an inspiring guide with fabulous projects. £7

F12.  How to Make Felt - create hats, bags, rugs, masks and much more by Anne Belgrave.  Softback pp80 vgc  £6



Carpets and Rugs

CR1. All Colour Book of Oriental Carpets and Rugs by Stanley Reed. Hardback pp72 102 colour plates. £5

CR2.  European and Oriental Rugs for Pleasure and Investment by Jack Franses.   Hardback pp176 £4

CR3.  Oriental Rugs and Carpets by Fabio Formenton.  Hardback pp250.  A comprehensive guide with great illustrations.  £4.50

CR4.  Contemporary Rugs Art and Design   - Christopher Farr, Matthew Bourne and Fiona Leslie.  Large format hardback pp206 as new condition - an inspirational, gloriously illustrated book £8

CR5.  Needle-Made Rugs by Sibyl I. Mathews.  Hardback pp128 £4

CR6. Making Rugs for Pleasure and Profit by Marion Koenig and Gill Spears.  hardback pp79 - hooked, braided, poked, woven etc.  £5

CR7.  Charted Designs for Needle Made Rugs by Sibyl L. Mathews.  Hardback pp146  beautiful designs to follow.  £3.50

CR8.  Rag Rug Inspirations - new designs for traditional techniques by Juliet Bawden.  Softback pp139  15 practical projects and more!  £6

CR9.  Oriental Carptets by Giovanni Curatola.  with a forward by John C. Hicks. pp216  Oriental Carpet Manufacturers (London) Ltd.  Hardback pp216  Beautiful colour plates.  £6

CR10.  Make Your Own Rugs - a Guide to Design and Technique by Sue Peverill.  Hardback pp144 woven, rag, tufted, and much more.  £6

CR12.  Rugs and Wall Hangings - an illustrated guide to over 50 beautiful designs.  softback pp96  £2

CR13.  A Guide to Navajo Rugs - colour illustrated booklet.  £2

CR13.  Oriental Rugs and the Stories They Tell by Arthur T. Gregorian.  Hardback pp220  £4

CR14.  Carpet Magic - the art of carpets from the tents, cottages and workshops of Asia.   by Jon Thompson.  Large format softback pp158  beautifully illustrated.  £7                                                      

O26. Carpets of Central Persia by May H. Beattie. Softback pp104 from the World of Islam Festival 1976 catalogue – beautiful illustrations and lots of information but some pages torn out. £1.50

043.  Oriental Rugs in Colour by Preben Liebetrau - hardback pp130  65 colour plates illustrate this lovely little guide. £4




Other Books

M1.  The Designs of William Morris.  Gorgeous pocket book of designs in full colour.  £3

M2.  The Life and Works of William Morris.  Hardback pp79.  vgc  full colour plates.  £4

M3.  William Morris - Wallpapers and Chintzes by Fiona Clark.  Softback pp95  a comprehensive and fully illustrated guide.  £5

M4.  William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement - a Source Book by Linda Parry.  Large format hardback 100 colour plates.  £6

M5.  William Morris - Decor and Design by Elizabeth Wilhide.   Hardback pp191  a beautifully illustrated guide to this legendary designer and his works.  £6

M6.  The Arts and Crafts Movement by Steven Adams.  Hardback pp128  A lavishly illustrated and comprehensive guide.  £5

M7.  The Stencil Collection - Art Nouveau.  Six projects with ready to use stencils.  Softback £4

M8.  Nepalese Textiles by Susi Dunsmore.  Softback pp204 beautifully illustrated guide.  £6

M9.  20's and 30's Style by Michael Horsham.  Hardback pp128  a feast for anyone with a love of this style.  £5

M10.  The Impressionists Book of Days - a sumptuous collection of the artists, their paintings and their lives.  by Viv Croot.  Hardback.  You are invited to spend a year with the artists - every page is saturated with texture, colour and luminosity that characterize Impressionist style.  £5

M11.  Indian Costumes from Guatamala by  Krystyna Deuss softback pp72 glorious illustrations in this guide.  £6

M12.  Navajo Rugs - how to find, evaluate, buy and care for them by Don Dedera.  Softback pp114  A comprehensive guide to these amazing textiles.  £5

M13.  Textiles Now by Drusila Cole.  Softback pp271  A fabulous compilation of modern textiles - beautifully illustrated  £8

M15.  Better Sewing by Even Harlow.  Softback pp96  A comprehensive guide, fully illustrated.  £4

M16.  Introducing Textiles and Design by Vulker and Cooper.  Softback pp126  written for junior secondary courses in textiles and design. £3

M17.  Drawing Matters by Jane Stobart.  Softback pp128  A highly illustrated practical guide.  Full of information and inspiration.  £7 vgc.

M18.  Indians of the Mesa Verde by Don Watson.  Softback pp184  published by Mesa Verde Museum Assoc. Colorado.  £5

M19.  Textile Classics - a complete guide to furnishing fabrics and their uses. by Melanie Paine.  Hardback pp240  £8

M20.  The Craft Traditions of India by Jaya Jaitly.  Hardback pp96 a beautifully illustrated guide.  £4

M21.  The Craftsman in Textiles by Leslie J. Clarke.  Hardback pp157 great textile inventions, medieval guilds,  a glossary of terms and much more.  £5

M22.  Sashiko - easy and elegant designs for decorative machine embroidery by Mary Parker.  Softback pp144.  Sashiko is a traditional Japanese technique - admired for its timeless beauty.  Gorgeous illustrations and inspirational.  £6

M23.  Running A Workshop - Basic business for craftspeople.  Softback pp136 published by the Crafts Council in 1985 but still full of useful info.  £4

M24.  Complete Contemporary Craft Textiles.  75 beautiful projects.  Weaving, quilting, felt making, crochet, knitting and more.  vgc. large format hardback pp382  £7

M26.  Decorative  Beadwork by Debbie Siniska  Hardback pp96  An inspirational guide. £5

M30.  Shibori - the art of fabric tying, folding, pleating and dyeing by Elfriede Moller.  Softback pp64,  vgc  £5

M31.  Traditional Quilting by Mavis Fitzradolph.  Hardback pp168 first published in1954  £5

M32.  Scrapbooking - 48 inspirational ideas for cataloguing and displaying treasured memories.  Softback pp 224   £6 vgc

M33.  Make Your Own Books and Boxes - portfolios, photo albums and decorative papers by Peter Baumgartner.  Softback pp94 vgc  £5

M34.  The Handmade Book by Angela James.  Hardback pp80 vgc  Includes 13 step by step handmade book projects and much more.  £5

M35.  Surfaces for Stitch  plastics, films and fabrics by Gwen Hedley.  Hardback pp144 - an inspirational book, packed with info and ideas and in vgc.  £6

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