Spring Newsletter
Wishing everyone a happy and creative Spring!
BACs PAYMENTS If you would like to make a payment using Bank Transfer to the Loom Exchange, please email hilary@totallytextiles.co.uk or call 01730 817191 for bank details.
PAY PAL: Please note that you are welcome to make payments via PayPal (to: hilary@totallytextiles.co.uk) but I must now make an additional charge of 50p for this service.
I have been alerted to the fact that there are some email scams going on out there - if you receive a response to an advert via email and you have any suspicions about it, simply delete it. Any serious purchaser can always speak to you directly on the phone so don't take any chances by responding to emails that don't appear genuine. And please don't hesitate to call me if you have any queries about any aspect of the Loom Exchange business.
More Kind Words:
"Thank you very much for your kindness and for all the service you provide" Les
"Thank you so much for being there! I bought it and sold it through the Loom Exchange!" Karen
"Thank you Hilary for having the website and helping weavers find new machines nothing like that was available when I left the RCA " Georgina
…"Thank you so much for all your help with the sale of my loom - you provide a wonderful service." Bernadette
"Thank you for providing a fantastic platform for us weavers. If I get space again for a loom, I will go to loom exchange" Tracey
"I have had another 5 inquiries on it, so there seems to be some people out there looking for bigger looms. It has been a pleasure to use your service, I just wish I had known about it a long time ago. I have had another 5 inquiries on it, so there seems to be some people out there looking for bigger looms. It has been a pleasure to use your service, I just wish I had known about it a long time ago." Laila
Everything worked so smoothly, I will definitely use the Loom Exchange again, and I will tell my friends. Patricia
I love indulging weaving fantasies by visiting your site: keep up the good work! Rosie
"Once again, thanks for your excellent service. The Loom Exchange is a reminder not to lose our creativity" Geraldine.
"Thanks Hilary. The Loom Exchange is a wonderful way to build a weaving reference library." Geraldine
"I had enquiries almost straight away, which was fantastic, and the loom has now gone to another weaver! I will highly recommend your website!" Natasha
" The loom has sold and it was based on the ad on your site, I'm so very pleased that everything happened so quickly and now I have room for the loom that is on its way to me!" Beverly
" Thank you for setting up this service. I really had no idea how I was going to find a good home for all this equipment which I had so much enjoyed using in the past. Selling it through the Loom Exchange has been a thoroughly satisfactory and positive experience." Pat
" I placed a wanted advert about 6 weeks ago and have had so many offers! I have now bought a Louet loom, exactly what I wanted, and am charging ahead as a new weaver, loving it!
Thanks so much for such a brilliant, efficient and helpful service, absolutely well worth the £5!" Lydia
"Many thanks for sending the book so quickly. . . am so glad to have found a copy of this at last! Best wishes " Wendy
"Thank you for selling my loom so swiftly and making a new weaver very happy....." Mark
"I am glad to say I have now found a loom and very grateful for the advertisement. I've had 5 replies to the ad so far so maybe it can be removed from your site. Well worth the £5.00." Flo
"Thrilled with how quickly my loom sold for the asking price- was contacted with a firm. offer within twelve hours of my loom being posted on the website". Marion
"Thank you so much for your service. You have been fantastic through the entire process, making everything really simple and easy." Bronte
"Thanks to you I have just collected (a great wheel) from a lady in Sussex. The lady is a member of the Sussex Guild and is probably a regular visitor to your website. I would like therefore to thank you very much for getting the two of us together." Roger
"Thank you once again, for the service you offer, It is wonderful to know that there is a new generation who are discovering the joys of weaving." Chris
" May I thank you again and say that it has been a pleasure dealing with the Loom Exchange Website." Gillian.
“The Loom Exchange is a brilliant way of buying and selling weaving equipment. The service was quick, easy to use, and very efficient. I sold my loom within a week. Thanks Hilary” Glenys
"Thank you from me and the previous owner (of the wheel) - my promise is kept to a dear old friend." Mair
"Thank you for maintaining the website - despite this being my first purchase, I do look at it often!" Barbara
"Thank you, your website reaches so many, I've had lots enquiries about it, even from France. " Holly
"Thank you so much for your prompt and helpful service. I am now going to sit quietly and enjoy studying these
beautiful works of art (Egyptian Weavings)." Elizabeth
"Thank you once again for your service and trust, it's much appreciated in this ever changing world". Clive
"Have just sent the dobby loom off to it's new home with one happy weaver. I was delighted by the number of enquiries I had and the quick sale. Thank you for all your help with advertising it - you obviously have a widespread
clientele as I had enquiries from many parts of the UK & could have sold it 5 or 6 times over and that was just within the 1st week of advertising!" Janine
"Thanks for your help selling my dobby loom. I could have sold it three times over during the first weekend" Adrienne
"Thank you very much for the prompt response, rapid delivery and friendliness with which you dealt with my request for this book..... I've been looking for this book for ages..... a real pleasure dealing with you." Ruth
"... I was amazed. I never dreamt that I could sell it so quickly. Thank you for providing the Loom Exchange which enabled me to do so...." Rachel
"Thank you so much for your help. The Loom Exchange is a very valuable addition to the spinning and weaving community and, critically, you make it so easy for your clients buy and sell which must be the fundamental rule of marketing!" Valerie
"That was such a nice quick and easy transaction. Thank you so much for your help." Sue
"Many many thanks, and am delighted also that it (the loom) has found a good home where it will be fully restored and brought back into use." J. S-B.
"Thank you for all your help - What would we do without the Loom Exchange!" Helen
"Many thanks for your help. The Loom Exchange is a wonderful service...." Suzanne
"Thanks a lot for your fab web-site" Steve
"Thank you very much for your wonderful publication - its been very useful to me over the years!" Alison
"Thank you for making it so easy to sell my loom" Mary
"I am delighted that everything was sold within 8 months. Thank you." Elissa
"I have known about the Loom Exchange for quite a while and every now and then I "pop in" and have a look at what is there even thouh I don't need anything and probably should get rid of some thins that I do have. You have been doing a wonderful job for a long time but I did always think that someone should take the website and drag it into the 20th, or even the 21st century. And now you have have done it. What a pleasure it is to see the new website - new but also familiar. Well done" Ruth
"Thank you for the booklet, as always it was great to do business with you. I look forward to using your site again.....keep up the good work." Morrigan
"Many thanks Hilary - very speedy delivery. Excellent website, brilliant service....." Jenni
" Thank you so much for the book.....it really is lovely and I shall spend hours looking at it when I should be weaving!" Anne
"Please find commission for the sale of my loom. It's come full circle, as I originally bought the loom through you about 10 years ago and managed to easily sell it through you, so thank you very much!....." Alison
"...Huge thanks, as always, for a truly unique service. I was not kidding when I told you - most of the textile titles in my workshop bookshelves originated at the Loom Exchange! All best wishes for the continuing good health of this indispensible website!" .....Ali
"Thank you for an excellent service and two very happy weavers, seller and buyer....." Rosemary
" Thank you so much for the lovely books - they will give me hours of pleasure and instruction!"....Audrey
"....it's been great to use your efficient website. Thank you!" Susan
".....The Loom Exchange is a great site. I have used it many times and am grateful for your help...." Hazel
"..... You have very successfully sold my floor loom in 6 weeks and I am most grateful...... this is a most satisfactory and easy to manage site for selling specialist goods, it is great to be able to act so swiftly and simply. Thank you again and all best wishes." Tessa
"... many thanks for a lovely book and excellent service...." Yvonne
"Thanks for running such a wonderful service. The looms sold so quickly and to excellent people.... thank you again for making life easier!" Ann
" Thanks Hilary, both looms are sold, thanks to your wonder-site...... Couldn't be more pleased." Ann
"...I'm really grateful for your prompt and efficient service, and I'm thrilled with the book, which is in lovely condition..." Chris
".... thank you for your excellent work and the fantastic site of loom exchange that draws us all together in a pattern quite provoked..." Imma
"My current Loom Exchange purchases now stand at two wheels, two looms, an umbrella swift and a box of fibre.
What would I do without you?" Caroline
"This is not the first time I have used your services and found them to be friendly, trusting and beneficial.....and I wish you all the best in the future." Clive
".....The book is lovely and I haven't done much since I opened the package, except to read it....thanks!" Jane
"I have been looking for this book for many years. You made my Mum very happy, she can now knit the same things for the grandchildren as she did for us. Once again, thank you." Samantha
"Thank you so much for the books. I have waited a long time for Eliza Leadbeater! The Weavers Craft is super - a real treasure for a beginner like me. Thanks again...." Carol
" Today I sold my Weavemaster table loom.......the buyer had seen the advert on the internet and she lives four hundred yards up the road from me!....." M. Edwards
"...I would like to say a special "Thank you!" for providing this marvelous system for people like myself, looking for someone to purchase my beloved loom. May I wish you a continuous success!" Brigitta
"The Loom arrived yesterday morning, Friday, and I'm so pleased with it! It is a good basic weave loom. I've cleaned it up and got a narrow test piece set up, and am trying several fancy yarns on it, - they're looking good! I had a loom in my youth, bought for me as a gift, for passing exams, at the age of 13, to go to the Nottingham Technical School fot the Textile Trades, where I spent 3 years in full time textile instruction. We covered everything you could imagine about textiles at that time, man made fibres were only just coming onto the general market, but we covered the production, even of those, - unfortunately the Tech. school no longer in exists, I think it's work has been absorbed by the Nottingham and Leicester Universities.I loved that little loom, I think it was one of the Dryads,.....Still a simple loom, but the ones we used at 'Tech' were the multi heddle types, and so very interesting to use. In my 'in between' years I took to knitting machines, - I still have a few!,.....but recently I had the feeling to want to do weaving again,....and my trusty little loom unfortunately was damaged beyond repair when I moved into this house over 30 years ago. Being a pensioner now it would be too extravagant too afford one of the expensive looms, - much as I would like one! . I think it may take me a year or two to figure out how to use one again! So to find this Spears loom, and use a bit of imagination with the new yarns that are available is a fantastic compromise. I'm glad I found your site, thank you so much for running it, and thank you for being so understanding when I needed to know roughly when the loom would arrive." Eileen
" thank you for the swift....the skeins have been mounting up as it's been difficult to pin my husband down to hold them for me... although he said he used to do this for his grandmother....." Pamela
"...this was a quick and easy sale and the loom has gone to a keen weaver who I know will get much pleasure from it......" Sheila
"...I would like to thank you for the very prompt service and for running the website which is a great resource - I also bought my loom from your website...." Irene
"...loom sold within 12 hours of advert appearing and many calls of interest. We had previously advertised locally for several months but no reply so you obviously run a very popular service... thanks." Dave
"Thank you for the lovely books, I've just surveyed my shelves and realised that a third of my textile related books have come from Loom Exchange...." Heather
"I had several enquiries with two definite sale requests; thank you for your assistance....." Freda
"Thanks to your brilliant site, a couple of months ago I had two calls from ladies selling Orkney wheels and I am now the very happy owner of one of them..... thank you very much for an excellent service....." Janey
"Many thanks - The Loom Exchange works - I bought my very first loom through it several years ago & have now sold my Octado" Lesley
"Many thanks for your prompt service. I am very pleased with the book, an excellent copy, much appreciated..." M.
"....I've recommended your service to many people, both buying and selling...." Michele.
"Thank you so much for the recent book I ordered.....what an easy, efficient way to shop! I look forward to shopping with you again..." Irene
"Thank you so much for helping me to sell my loom.....I'm thrilled!" Lorraine
"....many thanks for the prompt service that you operate, if only most suppliers were as fab as yourself." Margaret
"I always look through your website with the hope of seeing a drumcarder - but no luck so far! It is a very interesting website..." Sharon
"Thank you again for providing such a wonderful service. I don't know where we could go without your excellent site to sell and buy a remarkable range of wonderful, useful equipment......" Jan
".....Your set up with the Loom Exchange and your service is unique and great..." Margreet
"I sold my Glimakra loom on Friday..... Thank you very much for providing such an excellent service...." Chrissy
".....I have always found the Loom Exchange invaluable for finding tools of the trade as well as books, and now I also know that you care about looking after your customers and resolving problems... it is a pleasure to be a customer of someone who takes these things seriously......." Dorothy
"Many thanks for sending the books.... very best wishes for your continued success.." Janet
"...I was very pleasantly surprised that it (loom) sold so quickly - a week .... thank you" Pat
"......I'm delighted to have a copy of this book, it is a mine of interesting facts and fascinating details...." Dorothy
"Thank you very much for your prompt service - it was just the right book...." C.
"Your website has worked wonders! I have sold all my equipment in three short months which is very satisfying... many thanks" Flora
"Two more additions to my weaving library which I shall treasure! Thank you"... Dorothy
"Many thanks, very pleased with the books and your usual speedy response!" Gill
"......they elicited 9 enquiries.....amazed at the popularity of these items..... you have an excellent site, congratulations...." Flora
"..I have been most grateful for the way you have dealt with items to be sold..." Jean
"....the reed - fantastic! Also thank you so much for the sett chart, I can't believe how much it has simplified things..... it is now pinned firmly to the wall above my loom...." Stella
".. thank you very much for your prompt, efficient response!" Janet
"....the parcel was carefully packed and the contents in excellent condition..." M.G.
"Thank you very much for these lovely books - what a super service!" Heather
"Thank you for sending the book so promptly. It is perfect for what I am doing..." Lindy
" Thank you for the prompt service, the threading hooks are fun, great Christmas prezzies for my spinning friends... keep up the good work..." Magie
"Thank you very much for the books and for your wonderful website etc. I bought a super floor loom from your site last year....." Elizabeth
"Thank you for the excellent way in which to dispose of such articles....(spinning wheel)" Stan.
"attached.....items I wish to sell through the Loom Exchange....which I think is a marvellous idea incidentally. Thank you for having the initiative to set it up..." Elaine.
"I am very happy ......my loom is sold..... it will have a happy and busy future and will also be used to introduce weaving and textiles to children in schools.... what a splendid service the loom exchange provides! thank you....." Barbara
"Thank you very much for the excellent service you provide.... my loom sold within a month of the advert being placed.... I had several interested enquiries within a few hours of the advert appearing..... my buyer called to collect the loom and we had a happy exchange over coffee and biscuits...." Mavis
"Many thanks for remembering my request - I'm delighted with the book, very good condition and reasonable price..." Veronica
"My Douglas Andrew loom....has now been sold....if all goes to plan, it should appear in a new BBC series to be called "The Reinventors" where it will undergo a process of mechanisation and matamorphose into a power loom - the mind boggles!......Abi
"The loom and items were sold within 2 weeks and I am very glad to have found out about your Loom Exchange....." Margaret
"Am very impressed with service - loom went within a week...."Jan
"Many thanks, yet again, for a wonderful service...my looms sold for the asking price...Many thanks again for what is still a unique, and much appreciated service...." Alison
"Thanks again for the highly efficient service offered by the Loom Exchange. It all happened so quickly it was amazing. I was a little sorry to see the looms go, they've been part of my life for a long time, but it's great to know they'll be used and enjoyed by other weavers...." Thelma
"I have to say that I am delighted with the result I obtained from placing my advertisement with you. The wheel was sold in just over a week!" Sue
"thank you very much for sending the books so promptly.....what a wonderful service you offer - so unusual these days...." Irene
"Many thanks for the books, they arrived this morning ...my "new" loom (also via the Loom Exchange) was collected on Mother's Day - best present ever! Can't wait to get rug weaving..." Chris
"Thank you for the prompt service.....the book is for a friend who knew the author and has lost her original copy...." Sue
"once again 'thank you!' for excellent and rapid service......" Brian
"I am pleased to say that the loom sold almost immediately....thank you for your prompt and obviously excellent service...."Andree
"....I couldn't have sold both my looms without your website, many thanks..." Nicola
"Thankyou so much for such a fab service..!" Abbe
"I am delighted with the books and very impressed with your excellent service...Judith
"I have today sold my loom.....thank you for running this valuable service...." Anthea
"Many thanks for the Ann Sutton book - I've been on the lookout for it for ages! It will be treasured...." Penelope
"Many thanks for your excellent service, the loom sold much quicker than I thought it would...." Kath
"My mother has been successful in selling her loom as a result of an advert placed on your website....thank you for hosting the advertisement, which we would be grateful if you would now remove from your most effective website...." Paul
"Book arrived in very good condition and swiftly....I will make sure to look through the site regularly..." Douglas
"Thank you for sending the items so quickly.....I love your site, I am surprised that more people do not sell on it, there must be a lot of equipment not being used and hanging about in lofts and garages.... thanks..." Sue
"Speedy service! - thank you" Alan
"Thank you very much for sending the books I ordered in such a trusting manner...I am very pleased with the condition of all three books...." Peter
"Many thanks for sending me the 'Crochet Style' book so promptly. I am very pleased with it, and I am itching to start a project from it...." Deanna
"The loom has just left ....to have a new life in N. Ireland which is very exciting for me and the loom!...thank you very much for all your help, without your internet site it would never have sold..."Jane
"Looking round my workroom, I see that quite a lot of my equipment and stock came via the Loom Exchange - keep up the good work!" Avril
"What a surprise! I wasn't expecting the book to arrive by the very next post. Needless to say I was delighted by both the service and the book. Thank you!... I certainly hope to do business with you again as my weaving skills and loom requirements grow...." Brian
"I am pleased to say that your web site has had an effect, as I have now sold my ...loom...with my thanks..." Anne
"Thank you very much (for the weaving tablets)....I am looking forward to starting my weaving project now!..." Joanne
"Thank you for your prompt attention and I would certainly recommend you to others..." Sue
" We exchanged the loom just off the M6 on Saturday. I wonder how many 'shady looking' exchanges occur across the country!...." Sharon
"By the way, I had five genuinely interested enquiries, which is amazing. Thank you so much for what you do to help us weavers" Kate
" I think R will make good use of the loom, just the right sort of person to have it, so I'm delighted it has found a good home. And that's thanks to you and the Loom Exchange." Kate J.
"Many thanks for your service. It is great and I have not failed to sell yet." Hilary O.